Although many of our projects can often be found and used "on the bench", it's nice to take them one step further into a usable end product. And one usable example of this has been demonstrated by Instructables member whose Arduino thermometer not only looks good but is useful as wel.
By building a small Arduino-compatible circuit that uses a DS18B20 digital temperature sensor and two seven-segment LED displays - the result is an accurate digital thermometer that has been fitted inside a kitschy ornament that wouldn't look out of place in any home - for example:
This is a great project for the beginner or enthusiast alike, and you can find all the details in the project's Instructable page. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're interested in measuring termperature with a reliable sensor - consider using our DS18B20-based temperature sensor module:
The Freetronics temperature sensor modiule uses the Dallas DS18B20 1-wire digital temperature sensor, with a wide measurement range of -55 to +125°C at an accuracy of +/- 0.5°C. For more information, tutorials and to order - visit the product page.