CNC or (Computer Numeric Control) is used in many machines such as 3D printers, pick and place machines or even laser cutters. This cool project from Automotive uses CNC to create an Arduino powered drawing machine.
Building your own CNC plotter would be a great way to learn about more advanced applications of Arduino, and there is no excuse not to get started with full video tutorials avaliable. The plotter uses a number of stepper motors and servos to precisely control the system's movements. To find out more check out the following link or the video below.
If you're looking to develop projects based on an Arduino that use stepper motors - simplify the process with our Freetronics StepDuino board:
The StepDuino is a complete, self-contained Arduino-compatible board with 2 on board stepper motor drivers, 2 servo outputs, a 20x4 LCD, a micro SD card slot, and more! It's a fantastic general purpose board for any project that uses stepper motors. You can use it as the brain of your next robotics project!
The StepDuino uses the same processor architecture as the common Arduino Uno, so you can program it right from the Arduino IDE simply by selecting "Arduino Uno" as the board type. Everything simply works out of the box, just as it would with a regular Arduino - but now you can also drive steppers directly and display feedback on the huge LCD. For more information, tutorials and to order - visit the StepDuino page.