Powerful RGB LEDs are becoming easier to source, and available in a wide variety of formats, either individually or in strips. And thus some great projects have appeared, including this RGB LED strip controller by Dario Salvi. It gives him simple control of LED strips while performing as a VJ in clubs, and finished with a well-designed enclosure it fits right in with other performance equipment. The interface can control the LEDs in many ways, such as colour oscillation and speed, brightness, hue, and also offer control via music for synchronised effects. Check out the demonstration in the following video:
For such a small device, it provides a large amount of effects, and you can make your own with Dario's instructions and files available from his site. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
When adding external circuitry such as the LED controllers used above to your Arduino project - consider our range of ProtoShields. From the tiny LeoStick to the Mega range, we offer a complete range for you to work with.