Once again an Arduino-compatible board and the Analog Devices AD9850 DDS sine wave generator have been spotted doing something useful, and in the following example by Andrew Moser the hardware to create bode plots has been documented. By displaying the results of frequency over amplitude, bode plots are useful during the process of analysing filters. These are generated as a result of making a low frequency ‘spectrum analyser with tracking generator, and inspired by one of Dave Jones' (from eevblog.com) videos the result has been quite successful. Andrew takes us through a quick demonstration in the following video:
Certainly something different, and an interesting and somewhat inexpensive method of extending the use of existing test equipment. For complete details, visit Andrew's website. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're prototyping Arduino projects on solderless breadboards, blown the MCU on your board, or making your own such as the timer game mentioned above - save time and hassle with our new ATmega328 microcontroller pre-loaded with the Arduino Uno bootloader:
It's the same one as found on our Eleven, KitTen and the original Arduino Uno, plus it has a very useful pinout sticker attached to save confusion when wiring it up. So for more information and to order, click here. And we also sell the stickers!