June 18, 2013

Make your own RGB torch

 Normal torches can get quite boring very quickly, so if you have a few hours and some simple parts you can convert it into a fun and interesting version with an RGB LED. This allows you to not only see where you're going in the dark, spot possums on the power line or signal for help - you can do it with a variety of colours and effects. By using an old torch enclosure, Instructables user "Jgniklu" has demonsatrated how to fit a bare Arduino-compatible circuit and a three-watt RGB LED in the enclosure - which can results with a fairly professional result:


The colours are altered using a potentiometer, a simple and durable control system. The rotation determines the colour mix for the LEDs. Doing so would be quite interesting, so review the Instructable to get started. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well. 

If you're wanting to reproduce the project above - we've got you covered with our new ATmega328P MCUs with Arduino Uno bootloader:

This is the same Atmel AVR ATmega328P microcontroller used in the official Arduino Uno, as well as our ElevenEtherTenUSBDroid, and other boards. Perfect for building your own Arduino-compatible project directly on a breadboard or on a custom PCB, or for replacing the MCU in an existing board. Comes with the Arduino Uno bootloader pre-installed. Better still, it even has a special label stuck on top with details of the pinout, so you don't even need to look up the datasheet when connecting it up in your project! For more information and to order, click here!

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