In some properties the hot water supply can either be over-enthusiastic or somewhat lacking. To avoid surprises early in the morning when using the shower, consider making this project created by Instructables user "jochefor". Based on a minimal Arduino-compatible circuit it's a temperature sensor that displays the results using an LED bar graph display. You can calibrate the display to your own preferences however once installed it gives you a simple indication of whether the water temperature is where you need it to be.
Just be sure to build the display into a water-proof enclosure. Otherwise visit the Instructable for more information. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're wanting to make your own off-board Arduino projects - we've got you covered with our new ATmega328P MCUs with Arduino Uno bootloader:
This is the same Atmel AVR ATmega328P microcontroller used in the official Arduino Uno, as well as our Eleven, EtherTen, USBDroid, and other boards. Perfect for building your own Arduino-compatible project directly on a breadboard or on a custom PCB, or for replacing the MCU in an existing board. Comes with the Arduino Uno bootloader pre-installed. Better still, it even has a special label stuck on top with details of the pinout, so you don't even need to look up the datasheet when connecting it up in your project! For more information and to order, click here!