May 15, 2013

Experimenting with RC cars and Arduino

With a little research and some time you can easily determine how toy remote-control cards can be hacked into and controlled via an Arduino. Once such example has been demonstrated by Instructables user "FernOrtega" who added an infra-red distance sensor to the front of a toy car as part of an obstacle-avoidance system. As part of this project they have explained how they determined the control lines for the car, and also how to create a motor-control circuit for an Arduino using SN754410 H-bridge ICs. 

The process is an interesting narrative and quite useful, so check it out here. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

When adding your own circuitry for an Arduino-based project such as the hacked remote-control car above, you'll need a protoshield to mount the external circuitry. In doing so, consider our range of ProtoShields. From the tiny LeoStick to the Mega range, we offer a complete range for you to work with.

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