May 03, 2013

Make an Arduino-based solar cell tester

 After finding various small solar cells from various sources - both new and used, Instructables user "mikesoniat" wanted a way to test the cells for their true specifications. To solve this problem he's created a simple yet nifty tester based around an Arduino board. Doing so is quite simple, relying on the analogue input ports, some resistors for voltage division and current shunt, and Ohm's law. With this device you can measure voltage, current and power for panels rated up to 15V and 1 A.

Once mounted in an suitable enclosure (example above) you can result with a portable, useful unit. To get started, visit the project Instructable. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

When making your own circuitry for an Arduino-based project such as the solar cell tester mentioned above, you'll need a protoshield to mount the external circuitry. In doing so, consider our range of ProtoShields. From the tiny LeoStick to the Mega range, we offer a complete range for you to work with.

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