After discovering the small information display in their father's car had stopped working, Kristofers Celms did some investigation and discovered it could be easily replaced with Arduino-based circuitry and a few sensors. As the original display offered time, inside and outside temperature this can be reproduced without too much effort. Kristofers used DS18B20 temperature sensors and in a further revision added a real-time clock to finally emulate the original. After refitting the new circuitry the results are quite professional, for example:
For complete information and design notes, visit Kristofers' interesting website. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
To get started with your own temperature-measurement projects, consider using our TEMP: DS18B20-based temperature sensor module:
... or our HUMID: Humidity and Temperature sensor module based on the popular DHT22 sensor unit. Both modules are fully documented and easy to get started with. These are only two of over a dozen of our sensor and outputs modules available now from Freetronics!