April 11, 2013

Updating car dashboard display LCD with Arduino

 After discovering the small information display in their father's car had stopped working, Kristofers Celms did some investigation and discovered it could be easily replaced with Arduino-based circuitry and a few sensors. As the original display offered time, inside and outside temperature this can be reproduced without too much effort. Kristofers used DS18B20 temperature sensors and in a further revision added a real-time clock to finally emulate the original. After refitting the new circuitry the results are quite professional, for example:

For complete information and design notes, visit Kristofers' interesting website. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

To get started with your own temperature-measurement projects, consider using our TEMP: DS18B20-based temperature sensor module:

... or our HUMID: Humidity and Temperature sensor module based on the popular DHT22 sensor unit. Both modules are fully documented and easy to get started with. These are only two of over a dozen of our sensor and outputs modules available now from Freetronics!

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