January 18, 2013

Controlling four LCD modules with one Arduino

 Generally people only consider an Arduino capable of driving one parallel-interface LCD at any one time. Some people get around this by using external I2C-interface backpacks, however this can increase the cost somewhat. Another method without any extra external circuitry has been published by Thomas Flummer - allowing four HD44780-interface LCDs to happily coexist at once. His method involves controlling the enable pins for each LCD and sharing the data line, with success:

Visit Thomas' website for complete instructions. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

If you only need one LCD for your Arduino, save time and move forward with the Freetronics LCD & Keypad shield which contains a bright 16x2 character LCD and five buttons that can be read from only one analogue input pin:

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