Extraordinary Arduino forum member bilbo has published details of his wifi spectrum analyser. Based around a minimalist Arduino, wifi module and Nokia 3310 LCD it is an interesting project to follow and even use yourself. The purpose for creating such a device is to locate local interference to the area of radio spectrum around 2.4 GHz - which is used by 802.11b/g/n wifi equipment. Like most projects on the Arduino forum it's a work in progress - however the following video shows what the creator is up to:
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Thinking of embedding an Arduino-compatible board in your next project? Consider using the Freetronics LeoStick:
Apart from being one of the smallest Arduino-compatibles on the market with USB, it also has an onboard RGB LED and piezo which can be used a knock sensor and various tune and sound effects. Plus you can add extra circuitry with the matching protostick! For more information and to order, click here.