And now for something different - a GPS-based speed alarm that alerts you of travelling too fast by simulating the look of police lights in the rear-view mirror... Using an Arduino loaded with street coordinates and matching speed limits, and a GPS receiver module - the system can determine the location in the local street database and check if you're speeding or not. If you are - the imaginary police lights will fire up to let you know. Great for the paranoid or scaring people with something to hide. For example:
Although this may seem like a complex solution to something that is very easily solved, it's still interesting and good for a laugh. To get started, head over to the project page here. And we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
When creating more complex circuitry such as the speed alarm as described above for your Arduino - consider our range of ProtoShields. From the tiny LeoStick to the Mega range, we offer a complete range for you to work with.