Over at the Mitchtech blog are the instructions for making a very, very simple oscilloscope using an Arduino and a host PC. How it works is easy - the values measured by analogue pin zero are sent to a host PC via the serial output, which are then interpreted by a processing sketch which displays the value over time. Note that you can only read DC waveforms between zero and just under five volts DC, but it could be useful as a simple logic analyser or just for fun.
For more information, including the Arduino and processing sketches, head over to the mitchtech blog. And we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you are new to Arduino, join in with our range of Arduino-compatible hardware, prototyping shields and module range. A good start is the Freetronics Eleven, the Arduino Uno-compatible board with onboard prototyping space: