When designing various projects that use a LCD for a menu or interface, it can be easy to ignore the requirements for a good design in terms of display quality and ease of use. To take some of the burden away from the main design goal, consider using the free m2tklib library. It offers a variety of predefined display functions to work with character and graphic LCD module units, including a variety of input field types and menu structure. For example:
For more information, the library (for Arduino and AVR) as well as an excellent wiki, check out the m2tklib page here. And we're on twitter, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
When prototyping an Arduino-based project that requires an LCD and user-input, consider our Freetronics LCD and Keypad shield. It contains a bright 16x2 character LCD module as well as five buttons that are read with only one analogue input: