July 11, 2012

Hacking toy EEG readers with Ardiuno

 As a base for another project - Eric Mika, Arturo Vidich, and Sofy Yuditskaya deconstructed a Mattel "Mind Flex" game in order to use the EEG reader for their own purposes. This device reads the electrical activity around one's scalp, which can be classed as a measurement of the brain's activity. They have created enough hardware to extract the data from the EEG, and also published a Processing sketch to help visualise the data. For example:

To get started with your own EEG project, and for their code and designs - visit here. To move forward with your own Arduino-embedded projects, consider the Freetronics LeoStick - one of the smallest Arduino-compatibles  on the market with onboard USB, RGB LED and piezo:

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