July 09, 2012

Retrieve data from EPROMs with Arduino

 For one reason or another you may have the need to retrieve the data stored in an old EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory) IC. You may be trying to reverse-engineer some vintage technology, curious about the character set in a display driver or just looking for a new challenge. Nevertheless, using an Arduino Mega-compatible board and some simple instructions from the NYC Resistor hackerspace - dumping the EPROM contents can be quite simple.

For a fascinating read and more information, visit the NYC Resistor website. To get started with your own EPROM-dumping a board such as our Freetronics EtherMega is perfect. It has the extra I/O pins and is fully compatible with the Mega2560, and also has onboard Ethernet, microSD socket and optional power-over-Ethernet support:

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