Full home automation is the goal for many technology enthusiasts (for example the SuperHouse) however not everyone has the skills or desire to work with mains-rated wiring. However a variety of devices and appliances can still be used - if they have an infra-red remote control.
If that is the case, the specific code from an applicance's infra-red remote can be emulated by a Raspberry Pi and an IR transmitter circuit. Then these appliances can be controlled either locally or from afar thanks to the networking capability of the Raspberry Pi
Alexis Matelin has done just that, which has resulted with a web-controlled array of appliances such as the television, audio system, HVAC and more. Devices that don't have IR control can also be used in conjunction with an IR-controlled power strip.
To learn more about this, review code and hardware examples - visit Alexis's interesting website. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking for a neat way to add external circuitry to your Raspberry Pi model A+, B+ or 2 model B then check out our new PiBreak Plus Raspberry Pi Prototyping Board:
This is a great way to add your own electronic components, circuitry, sensors or other devices to your Raspberry Pi model A+, B+ or 2 Model B - any of the current Raspberry Pis with a 40 pin GPIO header. The PiBreak Plus also includes a GPIO female header to solder yourself, and a pair of nuts, bolts, washers and spacers to ensure a a great fit.
And in the Freetronics fashion we've used a quality gold-plated (ENIG) PCB for durability, brought out all the power rails along with the GPIO next to the prototyping area to make adding circuits a breeze. Furthermore the pinouts are labelled on both the top and bottom of the PCB to save time referencing the right GPIO pins. For more information and to order - visit the PiBreak plus page now!