Parking cars in garages can always be a challenge when you're in a hurry, or if your new car or garage is just a bit too tight. This problem can be solved with Arduino and some spare time, and is demonstrated by Instructables member saiyam.
They created a device based around an Arduino circuit and an ultrasonic distance sensor, which measures the distance between the vehicle and the wall, and sends the data back to a receiver unit via a 433 MHz wireless data link. The receiver is a portable model kept inside the vehicle, which emits a tone relative to the distance available - keeping you accident free and also learning more about Arduino.
Apart from helping avoid a small accident, this is a fun project that's inexpensive and easy to build, so to get started visit the project's Instructable page. And for more, we're on facebook, twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking to work with your own RF wireless hardware, but don't want to make your own receiver circuit - check out our range of 315/433 MHz receiver shields:
Apart from being idea for working with the various low-cost data links on the market, the shield can also be used to capture wireless weather station data, as described in the book "Practical Arduino". For more information and ideas, check out the product page.