November 22, 2016

3D Printed Arduino UV Meter

With warmer summer months approaching (at least for us in Australian) it is becoming more important to be sun smart. What better way to start being sun smart than to build your own Arduino UV Meter! Impressively this project also has an inbuilt breathalyser! The keychain uses an OLED display a ESP-1 WiFi module along with a number of sensor to read the UV and blood alcohol level and to display this information back to the user.


If you want to find out more about this impressive project check out the instructable from funelab.  The instructions are well explained and include instructions on how to 3D print a case which is perfectly designed for the keychain.


If you are looking for a OLED display to use in your keychain why not checkout our 128x128 pixel OLED module.


Better still, our OLED Stick LCD Adapter for LeoStick allows you to very quickly and easily connect our OLED display to our LeoStick Arduino-compatible board for a tiny, handy display! Perfect for this project!  To find out more about our fantastic OLED Stick LCD Adapter for LeoStick check out the product page.

LeoStick Adaptor

Inspired to build your own keychain? Decided to use 3D printing in your next project? Let us know in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.  

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