The "Egg Bot" is a robot kit from Evil Mad Science that offers the ability to draw patterns on to an egg or similarly-shaped object. And thanks to the open-source nature of the project there are several variations being published, one of which by Nikodem Bartnik.
This version is just as simple to make as the original, and relies on a limited amount of hardware which you can locate quite easily in hardware stores and other suppliers. When it comes time to print on the egg, the design is created in the open-source drawing program Inkscape with the Egg Bot extension, which generates the necessary files to be sent to the Arduino-based hardware and electronics. A neat demonstration of Nikodem's version can be seen in the following video:
For complete details on making your own version, check out Nikodem's Instructable page. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking to develop projects based on an Arduino that use stepper motor, CNC machines on a larger scale, and much more - simplify the process with our Freetronics StepDuino board:
The StepDuino is a complete, self-contained Arduino-compatible board with 2 onboard stepper motor drivers, 2 servo outputs, a 20x4 LCD, a micro SD card slot, and more! It's a fantastic general purpose board for any project that uses stepper motors. You can use it as the brain of your next robotics project!
The StepDuino uses the same processor architecture as the common Arduino Uno, so you can program it right from the Arduino IDE simply by selecting "Arduino Uno" as the board type. Everything simply works out of the box, just as it would with a regular Arduino - but now you can also drive steppers directly and display feedback on the huge LCD. For more infromation, tutorials and to order - visit the StepDuino page.
Jump to comment formAilton Silveira Rosa said:
Good afternoon, my name is Ailton and I’m from Brazil, I’m interested in this stepduino board, I’m trying to buy online, but I’m not getting it, I need help buying, you can help me, thanks.