A digital potentiometer can be quite useful in more advanced projects, and can be used for various tasks such as part of a digital-to-analogue converter, automating older analogue circuitry and more. However experimenting with them can be difficult and this was also experienced by Enrico Miglino.
Instead of giving up, Enrico has designed and documented a shield for Arduino based around the Analog Devices AD5206 quad digital potentiometer. Apart from giving the circuit a neat home, the shield also includes extra potentiometers for adding preset values to their digital counterparts, and neat DIP switches to cut them in and out.
With this shield you can now experiment with a proven circuit and also use it as the base for further projects requireding a digital potentiometer. Finally Enrico runs through the shield in the following video:
For more information including the schematic and example Arduino sketches visit the project page. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
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