Once could spend a limitless amount of time creating all sorts of fun devices with an Arduino and various parts, however this platform can also be put to some good an interesting use to help those different to ourselves. One example of this has been demonstrated by Instructables member tushar197 who has created a gesture-controlled voice playback device around an Arduino.
How it works is quite simple, an Arduino takes readings from an accelerometer - which have a matching, pre-determined meaning in the form of a basic sign language. Once a gesture is matched, a voice-playback circuit is activated which plays the audio matching the gesture. And thus the sign-language to speech experiment is successful, as shown in the following video:
Another great demonstration of helping others with an Arduino. For more details, check out the project's Instructable page. And for more, we're on facebook, twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
For those looking to recreate such a project - a good start would be our Eleven board along with the AM3X accelerometer module:
This tiny 3-axis accelerometer module can operate in either +/-1.5 g or +/-6 g ranges, giving your project the ability to tell which way is up. Ideal for robotics projects, tilt sensors, vehicle data loggers, and whatever else you can dream up. For more information and to order, click here.