Controlling one or two stepper motors and a servo or two from an Arduino or compatible board can involved a stack of shields or some complex wiring that can possibly go wrong when you least expect it. And after being inspired by various uses for stepper motors for CNC machines, plotters and various robotic devices - we're proud to introdce the StepDuino Stepper motor controller.
The StepDuino is an all-in-one board that not only combines an Arduino Uno-compatible board, but also a wide range of peripherals including a twin stepper motor controller, twin servo outputs, a microSD card socket and topped with a 20 x 4 character LCD.
And as the StepDuino is a fully-assembled unit, you can get started in under ten minutes with our neat tutorial page which explains the use of both servos and stepper motors, the LCD and more.
It's the compact, all--in-one solution that makes motor control easy and safe. For more information, our tutorials and to order your own StepDuino - please visit the product page. And for more, we're on facebook,twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.