There's a plethora of wireless weather sensors and stations on the market, and each of them usually has a nice display which shows basic data but doesn't allow for any analysis over time. Thus there is often a need to find a way to capture and work with the data. This is possible with the Arduino platform with some time and a little research using the methods described by the Ray's Hobby website.
They first explain how to receive signals using a 433 MHz receiver shield, and then take you even further into analysing the signal from the sensors as well as the raw waveform. With this data you can generally decode the data and determine what the values are in order to write your own decoding software. This is a great tutorial due to the variation in sensor types and lack of open documentation.
So to get started, check out the tutorial website. And for more, we're on facebook, twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking to work with your own RF wireless hardware, but don't want to make your own receiver circuit - check out our range of 315/433 MHz receiver shields:
Apart from being idea for working with the various low-cost data links on the market, the shield can also be used to capture wireless weather station data, as described in the book "Practical Arduino". For more information and ideas, check out the product page.