When you have a few metres of RGB LED strips it's possible for your imagination to take off and want to create all sorts of displays. This is certainly possible with the Arduino platform and the following project by Darrenlloyd Gent is a great example. His display uses ten rows of thirty RGB LEDs to act as a large display.
It can display text, graphics stored on a memory card, animations, data from the Internet and much more. This project could be used as the framework for a much larger display - only limited by the speed and memory available in your particular board. For a great project rundown, check out the following video:
Very well done - and you can learn more plus examine all the code and notes from the project website. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking to recreate this project and need an Arduino Mega board, microSD card socket and Ethernet - check out our EtherMega:
Quite simply the EtherMega is the fully-loaded Arduino-compatible board on the market today. Apart from being completely Arduino Mega2560-compatible, it includes full Ethernet interface, a microSD card socket, full USB interface, optional Power-over-Ethernet support and still has a circuit prototyping area with extra I2C interface pins. So if your project is breaking the limits, upgrade to the EtherMega today.