After experiencing weather-related damage in a holiday home, Instructables member wpnsmith decided that this could have been avoided if a remote-monitoring system was available. So after some experimenting they have created and documented a neat solution based around a Raspberry Pi.
The sensor used is a typical temperature/humidity combined unit which easily interfaces with the Pi. This in turn captures the weather data and stores it in a MySQL database which can then be access remotely over the Internet connection between the local and remote site.
Although this sounds complex, the process of setting up the required operating system, python code for the sensor, the web server and more is detailed so you can do it yourself.
Furthermore this project can be used as an easy framework for your own remote-monitoring station with other sensors or data as well. So to get started, check out the project Instructable page. And for more, we're onfacebook, twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking for a sensor to measure temperature and humidity - check out our HUMID: humidity and temperature sensor module. Designed around the DHT22 sensor, it only requires one digital pin and power - and is easy to use with out Quick Start guide. With a temperature range of -4°C to +125°C with +/-0.5°C accuracy, and humidity at 0-100% with 2-5% accuracy you're ready to measure. For more information and to order, click here.