Once again Peter Dalmaris has documented an interesting Arduino-based project - this time an Arduino-powered home notification centre. At the home end an Ethernet-enabled Arduino, Freetronics DMD, and a buzzer await messages passed from a web page that is hosted on Heroku, a cloud-based application host. The web page is coded in Ruby, using the Sinatra web app framework, and the Redis key-value store.
That sounds complex but can be done yourself without too much effort. Once completed you can send text messages with a nice buzz from any web browser - great for getting the message across to those at home or elsewhere. Peter runs through the device and the implementation in the following video:
Kudos to Peter for something so useful which we can reproduce ourselves. To get started, check out his interesting website. And for more, we're on facebook, Google+, and twitter - so follow us for news and product updates as well.
As used in the project mentioned above, check out our Freetronics Dot Matrix Displays. They're simple to use, yet very bright for indoor and outdoor situations. Available in various colours, the 32 x 16 LED matrix can display text and graphics quite easily - and can be daisy-chained together for extended displays. For more information, see our range of Dot Matrix Displays here.