Although controlling servos with an Arduino ins't anything new, creating a user interface for real-time control can take many paths. One of these has been explained by Arduino enthusiast Chirag Nagpal whose project shows how to control two servos via a typical computer mouse. He uses a python script to read the position data from the mouse and passes this on as X and Y coordinates to the Arduino via USB, which then in turn controls the servos. A quick demonstration is in the following video:
For more notes and information, check out Chirag's website. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're interested in Arduino, servos and other things but not sure how to learn - order one of our Experimenter's Kit for Arduino:
The package includes a wide variety of parts, sensors and modules including: a servo motor, lights, buttons, switches, sound, sensors, breadboard, wires and more. Furthermore a Freetronics Eleven Arduino-compatible board is included to make this an extensive hobby experimenter, inventor and starter kit.
However we don't leave you alone to figure it all out, included is a great project and instruction booklet, plus access to a supporting web page and software examples. In other words - this is everything you need to get started for a fun range of electronics and Arduino related projects! So to get started or for more information and to order, check out the product page.