180mm Electronics Ruler
This handy ruler is perfect for your electronics bench: designed specifically for electronics engineers, it includes 1mm graduations on one edge and 0.1" graduations on the other. Handy reference data is printed on the top, including:
- Ohm's Law reference
- Pinout of the AVR ICSP header commonly used on Arduino boards
- Common PCB track widths in both metric and imperial
- Electronics colour codes
- Formulae for calculating resistance and capacitance in parallel and series
- LED orientation guide
- Pinout and colour codes for the common FTDI-type serial cable
- Prefixes and multipliers for scale conversion
The ruler itself is made from 0.6mm PCB material with ENIG (gold plated) graduations, so it'll be right at home on your workbench for years to come.
- RULER (442)
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