September 03, 2012

An open-source bee-hive monitoring system

 Apiarists Glyn and Clive Hudson needed to conduct experiments with regards to the temperature and humidity and their bee hives, and turned to Arduino technology to get things moving. The aim of their experiments was to monitor the temperature inside the cluster of a honey bee colony and to compare this with other temperatures outside the cluster, as well as inside and outside the hive. 

Using four DS18B20 sensors for temperature and DHT11 for humidity, the data is collected and logged to a microSD card via the Arduino board. They've also included code for data analysis in MATLAB and an LCD for real-time monitoring. 

For a complete rundown on the project, plus an interesting view into the next web-enabled revision - click here. And we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

If you're looking for a sensor to measure temperature and humidity - check out ourHUMID: humidity and temperature sensor module. Designed around the DHT22 sensor, it only requires one digital pin and power - and is easy to use with out Quick Start guide. With a temperature range of -4°C to +125°C with +/-0.5°C accuracy, and humidity at 0-100% with 2-5% accuracy you're ready to measure. For more information and to order, click here


Levi Brereton said:

This is the nice one which i read. It consist so much information about Hive monitoring. Hive monitoring is the type of monitoring by which the harmful attacks should be detect and no activity should be performed by unauthorized user and this all monitoring done by their continuous monitoring.

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