February 10, 2015

Make a light-seeking and obstacle-avoiding robot with Arduino

Making your own interactive device such as a robot is a lot of fun and a good learning experience - giving the creator time to consider logical thought, processes, and much more. A great example of this in action is a robot described by Vagelis Chantzis whose creation harnesses an Arduino and good programming to operate effectively.

The robot can proceed forward, rotate in either direction, use ultrasonic distance sensors to locate obstacles - with a goal of seeking light thanks to a light sensor at the front. An inexpensive smartphone is also placed on the robot to allow video streaming of the progress back to a local PC. A quick demonstration is shown in the folllowing video:

Kudos to Vagelis for such a great robot, of which you can learn about from his Instructables page. And for more, we're on twitter, facebook and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

If you need a light sensor for your own robot or other device that makes decisions based on the ambient light level, you can maintain constant reliable results with our LIGHT: light sensor module:


Our tiny light-sensor module uses the very-reliable TEMT6000 light sensor, which gives consistent and repeatable readings even between different units - unlike cheapie light-dependent resistors, which can vary dramatically in their sensitivity. So for reliable light sensing - look no further

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