If there's one common-denominator between almost all of us, it's the current and future state of the weather. And with the onset of accessible technology centred around platforms like the Arduino, we can now measure and capture all the weather data required to help determine the future conditions or simply have more knowledge. To keep up this tradition Max Oberberger and Alexander Zenger have built a detailed weather station that not only tracks temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rain levels.
They have connected their sensors to an Arduino that takes readings every five minutes, then not being content with local capturing - created the required software to publish the weather data on their web server - and also created an Android app for further remote monitoring:
It's a great use of the technology, and the creators have published all the hardware details and required code for all platforms to make the system work, so to start on your own version visit the project page. And we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking for a sensor to measure temperature and humidity - check out ourHUMID: humidity and temperature sensor module. Designed around the DHT22 sensor, it only requires one digital pin and power - and is easy to use with out Quick Start guide. With a temperature range of -4°C to +125°C with +/-0.5°C accuracy, and humidity at 0-100% with 2-5% accuracy you're ready to measure. For more information and to order, click here.
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Has anyone built a similar project that records and disseminates tide height and current flow?