Over at the nootropic design project lab, they've been working with simple wireless data links and created a neat and simple project that's not only easy to follow but quite useful. It's a wireless temperature sensor - the transmitter comprising of a barebones Arduino circuit with a 433 MHz transmitter, and the receiver using two 7-segment LED digits via another barebones Arduino circuit to display the temperature.
It's a great example for the beginner, and shows just how easy it is to use short-range wireless data with your Arduino projects. To get started, visit project page. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
Want to know more about bare Arduino circuits? Check out our tutorial. And if you're looking to work with your own RF wireless hardware, but don't want to make your own receiver circuit - check out our range of 315/433 MHz receiver shields:
Apart from being idea for working with the various low-cost data links on the market, the shield can also be used to capture wireless weather station data, as described in the book "Practical Arduino". For more information and ideas, check out the product page.