Our HUMID: temperature and humidity sensors find uses in all sorts of places, and one example of this has been shown by Thingiverse user JollyJohn. He's mounted the HUMID: inside an air vent used for a heat extraction system, and with a little work created a fantastic and neat bracket that fits perfectly in the vent whilst securely holding the sensor:
To download the required design files, head over to John's Thingiverse page. And if you're a 3D printing enthusiast, check out the other designs for Freetronics gear such as the EtherTen case by rekrapd:
and another version by davoque:
And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking for a sensor to measure temperature and humidity - check out our HUMID: humidity and temperature sensor module. Designed around the DHT22 sensor, it only requires one digital pin and power - and is easy to use with out Quick Start guide. With a temperature range of -4°C to +125°C with +/-0.5°C accuracy, and humidity at 0-100% with 2-5% accuracy you're ready to measure. For more information and to order, click here.