If you're interested in watching how many "likes" you receive on facebook, or generally scraping data from a website to work with an Arduino, this project by "skoltilab" will be of interest. By using an Ethernet-enabled Arduino board connected to your router, the Arduino can retreive data from the facebook Open Graph service and thus the number of likes your page has. The example demonstrates the results using an LCD display shield, however for an office or the vain, perhaps consider a dot-matrix display.
For complete instructions visit the project page (opens in Google Translate). And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

When putting together your next Internet-enabled Arduino project - save time, space and money with the Freetronics EtherTen. Apart from being fully Arduino Uno-compatible, it has onboard Ethernet, microSD socket, full USB interface (so you don't need a costly FTDI cable just to upload a sketch!) and supports optional Power-over-Ethernet.