January 29, 2013

Ethernet-enabled solar tracking device with Arduino

 Contributors to the Techmind Denmark website have published an interesting solar-tracking project that has a web-based status display. Although only a beta-version at this stage, it can measure the currrent from the solar cells and adjust their angle using a small motorised LEGO system. The current statistics are displayed on a basic web page which also has an emergency stop feature for the motors. You could reduce the cost of this system by using two or more light sensors to detect the position of the sun, however the system is open to interpretation. 

An interesting concept that could scale up if necessary. Nevertheless, click here to get started (opens in Google Translate).And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

When putting together your next Internet-enabled Arduino project - save time, space and money with the Freetronics EtherTen. Apart from being fully Arduino Uno-compatible, it has onboard Ethernet, microSD socket, full USB interface (so you don't need a costly FTDI cable just to upload a sketch!) and supports optional Power-over-Ethernet.

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