September 07, 2012

DIY Touch-control Tic Tac Toe

 Over time there have been many implementations of the "noughts and crosses"/"tic tac toe" game with various forms of technology. One fascinating version has been created by Instructables user 'origamiwolf' who has used a home-made touch-sensitive panel as the user interface. This results with a game that is controlled in a more natural method by simply touching the board positions. Driven by an Arduino board, the project is simple and also introduces several good concepts with regards to programming, including multiplexing and bitwise arithmetic - so you may learn something as well. To get started, here is the game in action:

... and for the rest visit the project page. Plus we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well. 

If you're interested in Arduino-controlled touch screens and looking for guidance and information on other interesting Arduino projects - get yourself a copy of "Practical Arduino" by Jonathan Oxer and Hugh Blemings:

Create your own Arduino-based designs, gain an in-depth knowledge of the architecture of Arduino, and learn the easy-to-use Arduino language all in the context of practical projects that you can build yourself at home. Get hands-on experience using a variety of projects and recipes for everything from home automation to test equipment. For more information and to order, click here

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