July 02, 2012

DIY Visual Network Threat Level Indicator

 Joe McManus has created a fascinating Visual Network Threat Level Indicator using an Arduino, Ethernet shield, LEDs and clever coding.  A PC runs a Python script which interrogates data from the Snort log (Snort is an open source network intrusion prevention and detection system) which is connected to the Arduino via Ethernet to display the threat level. For a demonstration see Joe's video here:

As Joe mentions, once the inital novelty of monitoring threat levels wane, using a tool such as this project helps keep the level at the forefront of the users' minds over time. Building your own VNTLI can be simplified using our Freetronics EtherTen - the Arduino Uno-compatible with onboard EtherNet, microSD socket and optional power-over-Ethernet support:

To get started, visit Joe's instructions here

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