After finding a broken motorised penguin toy, and having the benefit of spare time enthusiast Michael Ball has brought the penguin back to life with his project that delivers the Steve Austin of penguins. By replacing the motors and adding full control with an Arduino compatible with the help of a distance and sound sensor - it can be programmed to follow sounds, avoid objects, and randomly flash LEDs placed in the head.
This is a great example of how you can turn inexpensive non-interactive devices into something much more, and a quick demonstration of the first revision is shown in the following video:
One could take this further and add an infra-red remote control, more types of sensors or perhaps speed control. In the meanwhile you can check out the entire project including schematic and code from Michael's website. And for more, we're on facebook, twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.
If you're looking into starting with Arduino and motor control, such as controlling a stepper motor (or DC motors) from your Arduino or compatible, check out our new HBRIDGE: DC/stepper motor shield. Based around the powerful Allegro A4954 H-bridge driver IC you can control two DC motors with complete ease, or one bipolar stepper motor. With connections for external power management, a complete beginners' guide and documentation - motor control couldn't be any easier. For more information and to order, visit the HBRIDGE: page.