August 13, 2016

Arduino Smart Doorbell

Do struggle to hear your doorbell while you are outside or along way from your front door? With this project from the ArduinoProjectHub you can make sure that you never miss a visitor ever again! The smart doorbell will notify you on your smartphone or computer when your doorbell has been pressed. The doorbell uses an Arduino and an Ethernet shield so that the notification can be sent over the cloud.

Smart doorbell

This project is quite simple and easy to make but completing it will teach you a lot about building internet connected devices. To get started with this cool project check out the following link.  

If you are looking for an Arduino to use in your smart doorbell why not check out the Freetronics “Eleven” Arduino Compatible Board.


The Eleven is just like an Arduino Uno (and 100% compatible), however the Freetronics team have made a number of improvements to the Arduino Uno design such as adding in a prototyping area, using a micro-USB connector and more. These improvements mean that the Eleven is as easy to use as possible and is of the highest quality! To find out more about the fantastic Freetronics Eleven check out the following link. The Eleven has just come back into stock, so order soon to avoid missing out!

Planning on building your own smart doorbell? Working on a project you would like to share with us?  Let us know in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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