November 03, 2011

The Project Showcase competition: tell us about your project to win a prize!

The recently launched Freetronics Forum has a category specifically to give people a chance to showcase their projects, either complete or in progress. Marc and I love seeing the things people build so we're partly doing this for selfish reasons: we ship a lot of devices out but don't often see the end result of the projects they go into, so this is a way for us to get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing they're being put to good use.

So for the month of November we're inviting anyone who has built an Arduino-based project to do a quick post in the Project Showcase section of the forum, and at the end of the month we'll pick one as the winner of a Freetronics Inventors Kit containing an Eleven, some Prototyping Shields, a Terminal Shield, an LCD & Keypad Shield, and a selection from our range of new add-on modules that are about to be released.

Judging will be by Marc and myself and is completely arbitrary - it doesn't need to be the most complex project, or the cleverest, or the most well presented. It'll just be the one that we like the best! So if you've built something you're proud of, don't be shy. Let us know about it.

And no, we can't be bribed with beer. Neither of us like it that much. Chocolate, on the other hand...

So get to it!

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