February 14, 2014

Controlling an Arduino via monitor brightness levels

For his first Arduino-based project, Daniel Bodner has created an interesting take on controlling an Arduino. The data returned from a light sensor is converted by an Arduino and then mapped into musical notes which are played using a simple piezo sensor.

The control side of the project is from a web page running simple code that alters background colour and thus the brightness which is measured by the light sensor - giving light-based control to the Arduino. Daniel explains this and follows with a demonstration in the following video:

This could also be the base for an interesting theremin music instrument. Either way, check out Daniel's website to learn more. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well.

If you're looking to detect changes in light levels, don't fool about with irregular light-dependent resistors. Instead use our LIGHT: light sensor module with the TEMT6000 light sensor which gives consistent and repeatable readings even between different units. Simple to use and versatile for many applications. For more information and to order, click here.

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